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Sound Connections Podcast


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Introducing the Sound Connections Podcast!

15 July 2021

The Sound Connections podcast from Mainline Marketing is almost here! We’ve worked closely with companies and individuals from all across the world of A/V, and we’re excited to have a brand new venue where we can share their stories. But what about the name? Why is our new podcast called Sound Connections? Well, it’s all because making connections is what we do every day here at Mainline Marketing!

In each episode, we’ll be speaking with a wide range of individuals, from podcasters and broadcasters to those who work for the companies that provide all of the amazing products that have revolutionized the industry.

Our first episode will be available on Thursday, July 22nd. Subscribe now through Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts, and all of your favorite podcast apps!



Hi, I'm Clinton Muntean with Mainline and this is Sound Connections. So I want to meet anybody that's recording and everybody's got a story and it'd be great to hear them. I think what was most attractive about the podcasting is not just another podcast but it's the name itself, Sound Connections.

So Mainline Marketing is all about connecting people and it's been a theme on our website for the past five years or more. So in our business day to day we're connecting our resellers and end users, our manufacturers with resellers or end users and that's a big part of our job. So here at Sound Connections we're connecting our community of people locally here in our territory whether they're manufacturers, end users, podcasters, gamers, journalists. So anybody that is recording sound or broadcasting, podcasting, streaming, we want to get to know them and introduce them to the brands that we represent and see how we can help each other.