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Assistive Listening Systems: ADA Compliance in Noisy Venues

Excessive noise in the office, a businessman tries to be quiet, a man tries to concentrate on work, is disturbed by colleagues in the office, an Asian uses a laptop at work, nervous and angry.

Nearly 15% of the world’s population has hearing loss, with 466 million people suffering from ‘disabling’ hearing loss. For these individuals, noisy environments are problematic. Not being able to hear well in noisy venues can feel frustrating and isolating.

Hearing struggles can make it challenging to follow conversations or enjoy events, leading to feeling left out or disconnected from others. For some, it can also be a source of anxiety and stress. People with hearing difficulties in loud environments may feel overwhelmed by the noise level and struggle to focus on what is being said.

Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) offer a solution for individuals who struggle to hear in noisy environments. Using an ALD empowers people with hearing difficulties to fully participate in events, socialize with others, and enjoy activities without being held back by the challenges of hearing in noisy environments. ALDs offer a pathway to exceptional listening experiences and improved hearing.

ADA Protection for Individuals with Hearing Loss

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law that provides comprehensive protection to individuals with disabilities in the United States. Among the many protections afforded by the ADA is the right of individuals with hearing loss to access communication and public facilities through the use of assistive listening devices. The ADA requires that public accommodations provide auxiliary aids and services, including assistive listening devices, to individuals with disabilities, unless it would cause an undue burden. These devices can range from simple amplification systems to more complex solutions like induction loops, infrared, and FM systems.

For venues such as theaters, conference centers, and houses of worship, providing assistive listening devices is not only an essential aspect of creating an inclusive and accessible environment, but in many cases it is actually required by law. By offering these solutions, venues can ensure that individuals with hearing loss can fully participate in the events and activities that take place in these spaces. With the help of ADA-compliant assistive listening systems from companies like Listen Technologies, venues can easily meet these requirements and create an accessible environment for all individuals.


What are Assistive Listening Systems?

An Assistive Listening System, or Assistive Listening Device, is a cutting-edge solution for individuals with hearing difficulties. This wireless system comes with transmitters and receivers that deliver audio directly to headphones, hearing aids, or cochlear implants without amplifying background noise. Individuals with hearing loss can experience exceptional sound quality and improved hearing in even the loudest venues.

The Benefits of Assisted Listening

Businesses and organizations that offer ALD in their environments can demonstrate their commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. The benefits of assisted listening technology include:

  • Easy to Use: Guests can spend their time enjoying your venue, not worrying about complicated equipment or adjusting settings.
  • Innovative and Accessible: Innovative technology ensures everyone can have the same great experience.
  • Compliant and Inclusive: Choose from a variety of technology options, all designed to ensure ADA compliance.

Investing in assisted listening technology is a winning solution for businesses and individuals alike, improving the experiences and making the world a more accessible and inclusive place.

Listen Technologies Solutions

With easy-to-use technology, Listen Technologies empowers businesses to serve individuals with hearing loss, facilitating their participation in the activities they enjoy and creating a win-win solution for both the business and the individual.

Listen Technologies is dedicated to creating a world where individuals with hearing loss can experience the same level of sound quality as those without hearing loss. Through innovative technology, Listen Technologies is revolutionizing the way people with hearing loss interact with the world.


Different Types of Assistive Listening Systems

Listen Technologies offers a comprehensive suite of assistive listening systems, including infrared-based ListenIR, radio-based ListenRF, communication-oriented ListenTALK, and the personal device streaming solution, Listen EVERYWHERE. With each system designed to meet the specific needs of a venue and its users, Listen Technologies is committed to delivering accessible audio and ensuring that everyone can fully participate in public events and activities.


Listen EVERYWHERE allows users to stream audio directly to their personal devices, such as smartphones and tablets, using Wi-Fi technology. The system is designed to be used in public venues such as airports, gyms, conference centers, and universities, where multiple audio sources can be broadcasted simultaneously.

Listen EVERYWHERE consists of a server that connects to the venue’s audio system and a mobile app that users can download to access the audio stream. Users can simply connect to the venue’s Wi-Fi network, open the app, and select the audio source they want to listen to. The app also includes features such as language translation and closed captioning, making it a versatile solution for a variety of applications.

Venues can also purchase receivers that can be handed out to guests who don’t have a personal device to listen on. Including the receivers allows Listen EVERYWHERE to be a complete assistive listening solution and meet ADA compliance requirements.

Listen TALK

ListenTALK is a two-way communication system that enables clear and secure communication between groups of people in a variety of settings. The system consists of a number of small, portable transceivers that can be worn on a lanyard or clipped to clothing, along with headsets or earphones for each user.

ListenTALK is designed for use in situations where group communication is essential, such as guided tours, language interpretation, conference calls, and other events. The system uses a proprietary wireless protocol that provides clear, secure, and interference-free communication, even in noisy or crowded environments. ListenTALK also features several convenient features such as push-to-talk functionality, volume control, and an easy-to-use interface, making it a versatile and reliable solution for group communication needs.


ListenRF is a wireless audio transmission system that uses radio frequency (RF) technology to provide clear and reliable audio to individuals with hearing impairments. The system consists of a transmitter that is connected to the venue’s audio source, and portable receivers that are worn by users and can be programmed to pick up specific audio channels.

ListenRF is designed to be used in a variety of public settings, such as theaters, museums, and houses of worship, where users need to hear the audio clearly and without interference. The system is compatible with a range of audio sources, including microphones, MP3 players, and sound systems, and can be customized to meet the specific needs of each venue. ListenRF also features a range of accessories, such as neck loops and earphones, that allow users to customize their listening experience.


ListenIR is an infrared audio transmission system that provides clear and secure audio to individuals with hearing impairments in a variety of public settings. The system uses infrared technology to transmit audio signals, which cannot be intercepted by radio frequency (RF) or Bluetooth devices, ensuring maximum security.

ListenIR consists of a transmitter that is connected to the venue’s audio source and infrared radiators that are placed around the room to transmit the audio signal. Users wear portable receivers that can be programmed to pick up specific audio channels, and they can use headphones, neck loops, or earphones to customize their listening experience. ListenIR is perfect for theaters, conference rooms, and houses of worship, where individuals with hearing impairments need to hear the audio clearly and without interference. The system is easy to install and customize, and it provides a versatile and secure solution for accessible audio in public venues.

Empowering Individuals with Hearing Loss to Enjoy an Equal Experience

Assistive Listening Systems offer a solution for individuals who struggle to hear in noisy environments. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires public accommodations to provide auxiliary aids and services, including assistive listening devices, to individuals with disabilities, creating an inclusive and accessible environment. Listen Technologies offers a comprehensive suite of assistive listening systems, including Listen EVERYWHERE, ListenTALK, and ListenRF, that are designed to meet the specific needs of a venue and its users, making the world a more accessible and inclusive place.

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